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Training is an excellent way to translate scientific insights into clinical practice. Without having to delve into the scientific literature or follow a complete training program yourself, I offer a number of accessible training programs for professionals. I base my training on current relevant scientific insights. My pleasure in reading research literature, and my years of expertise in giving and developing education, come in handy here!
All training in a row...
Knowledge development in the field where the arts and health meet is rapid. Findings often end up in scientific publications. However, professionals in the field often do not have the time to read these publications; after all, they are busy caring for their clients, coaching their students, etc. . Moreover, translating science into practice is not always easy; what can you, as a professional, do with this knowledge? Therefore, the following offer of training, in a fun and efficient way to stay informed of the latest developments and to translate them into your own practice. This will benefit you, and with that your client, course participant etc.!
Anker 1
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