Two-day in-person ArTA Introduction Training
Steyr Austria
June 27th & 28th 2025
In English
In beautiful Steyr, Austria, you will be deeply introduced to the ArTA method through a mix of art making and theory.

ArTA is an art therapy assessment method that is:
Evidence-based: developed on the basis of doctoral research
Art-focused: the visual art form, as the most distinctive aspect of art therapy, is central
Neuro-informed: enriched by the latest findings from neuroscience research
This method assists the art therapist to observe adult clients' art making and art products in a focused, systematic and efficient manner, and to interpret these observations in terms of balance and adaptability as
positive health aspects. These insights help the art therapist to assess whether the client might benefit from art therapy and, if so, to formulate treatment goals and provide art therapy interven ons tailored to the client's needs and abilities. ArTA can also be used to monitor and evaluate treatment progress. ArTA is based on doctoral research with adult clients with a wide range of mental health condi ons. It is enriched by art therapy brain research. The concepts of balance and adaptability can be explained from a neuroscientific perspective and transcend different diagnoses and populatoons. ArTA is currently being researched for its use with children and young people.
After successful completion of this training you understand the theory and application of the ArTA method. You:
1. Know the ArTA concepts and their interrelatedness
Material experience
Formal elements determining the structure and variation of the art product
Balance and Adaptability
2. Recognize these aspects in a case study that is provided
3. Have an understanding of the research behind ArTA
4. Have a profound understanding of the application of ArTA
a) you are familiar with the four steps of ArTA: observing, analyzing, interpreting and formulating
b) you know how to use the ArTA Observation Form
5. Understand how the ArTA assessment is basis for all further decision moments during the entire treatment process
6. Recognize this in a case study that is provided

Day 1
09.30: Walk in
10.00: Plenary: Welcome + Introduction ArTA
11.00: Sub-group exchange: How do you observe in art therapy now?
12.00: Lunch break
13.00: Art making I (in line with the ArTA method)
14.00: Plenary lecture 1: Theory ArTA
16.00: Short coffee break
16.30: Art making 2 (in line with the ArTA method)
17.30: Dinner
19.00: Plenary lecture 2: Application ArTA
20.30: Day closing
Day 2
09.30: Walk in
10.00: Plenary: reflection on Art Making 1 and 2. ArTA exercise: how to use the ArTA mixing panel for interventions
12.00: ` Lunch
13.00: Art making 3 (in line with the ArTA method)
14.00: Plenary Lecture 3: ArTA Case-study
16.00: Short coffee break
16.30: Sub-group reflection on the themes of day 1
17.00: Plenary: training closing (using the theme posters of day 1)
17.30: End of Training
Practical information
For whom: Art therapists and art therapy educators who want to become intensively introduced to the ArTA method.
Venue: Sepp-Stöger-Strasse 7, 4400 Steyr / Austria
Language: English
When: June 27th & 28th 2025
Organized by: Kunst Therapie Praxis Timm Smutny MA
Costs: €550,-
Students: For art therapists in training under supervision who are already working with clients, 10 tickets are available at reduced fee of €450,-
Minimum number of participants: 9, Maximum number of partcipants: 20 Registration: Sending an email to praxis@kunsttherapie.space
Registration is open from 1 January 2025 to 31 May 2025. Please state your name, address and which professional organisation you are registered with. You will receive an invoice as confirmation. Registration is valid after payment.

Additional option: ArTA Basic Certification
If you wish to be certified to use ArTA in your own art therapy practice, the following additional option is available:
To become ArTA certified, you must be able to demonstrate your ability to use ArTA with a client from your own practice/workplace. You will be guided through three online group meetings of each 2 hours (max. 5 participants per group) and individual coaching by email. In the group meetings experiences, questions,
bottlenecks during practicing ArTA are discussed and reflected on. Please consider an additional 8 hours of practicing with your client in your own practice using the ArTA Observation form. The participant will receive an ArTA Basic Certificate if the completed ArTA Observation form demonstrates the use of ArTA at basis level. Costs: €245. This option will be offered by Dr Ingrid Pénzes and will take place if at least 3 participants are interested. The deadline for expressing interest is July 4th 2025 using this link: Register | Ingrid Penzes or sending an email to: mail@ingridpenzes.com
The meetings will be planned in consultation with the partcipants.